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A recursive component which renders nested structures into a tree. The tree starts with a root branch and every branch can have a branches property containing branch objects.

Properties of a Branch Object

labelyesStringLabel of a branch
id or keyString, NumberUsed as key for Vue's state maintenance
branchesArrayAn array of branches; if it contains objects a [+]/[-] icon will be displayed and the subtree can be expanded and collapsed

Default Component

A simple recursive function is used to pre-select a specific branch.

const tree = ref({
    id: 1,
    label: "files",
    branches: [
            id: 325,
            label: "articles",
            branches: [
                    id: 332,
                    label: "projects",
                    branches: [],
                    path: "files/articles/projects/"
                    id: 333,
                    label: "references",
                    branches: [
                            id: 330,
                            label: "www",
                            branches: [],
                            path: "files/articles/references/www/"
                    path: "files/articles/references/"
            path: "files/articles/"
            id: 328,
            label: "media",
            branches: [],
            path: "files/media/"
            id: 329,
            label: "misc",
            branches: [],
            path: "files/misc/"
    path: "files/"
const findBranch = (branch, id) => {
    if( === id) {
        return branch
    if (branch.branches && branch.branches.length) {
        for(let i = 0, l = branch.branches.length; i < l; ++i) {
            let found = findBranch(branch.branches[i], id)
            if (found) {
                return found
const selectedBranch = ref(findBranch(tree.value, 333))
<div>Selected branch: <em>{{ selectedBranch.label }}</em></div>
<simple-tree :branch="tree" v-model="selectedBranch"></simple-tree>


Selected branch: references

Component Using Slots

<simple-tree :branch="tree" v-model="selectedBranch">
    <template #toggle="slotProps">
        <span class="inline-block w-4 text-center text-lg">{{ slotProps.expanded ? '-' : '+' }}</span>
    <template #label-selected="slotProps">
        <span class="uppercase font-bold">{{ slotProps.branch.label }}</span>
    <template #label="slotProps">
        <em>{{ slotProps.branch.label }}</em>


Selected branch: references


modelValueObjectnulla branch object


update:modelValuebranch - The branch selected by user interactionEmitted when the label of a branch is clicked
expandstate - Boolean indicating whether a subtree of the branch is expanded (true) or collapsed (false)Emitted only when mounted to open up the tree to the branch passed as modelValue


togglebranch - the branch object
expanded - Boolean indicating whether the subtree is currently collapsed or expanded
Slot which contains the toggle of a branch with a subtree
labelbranch - the branch objectSlot which contains a selectable label of the branch
label-selectedbranch - the branch objectSlot which contains the label of a currently selected (and therefore not selectable) branch